Saturday, 11 July 2015

Alcoholics dying indoors after illicit alcohol crack down


Alcohol withdrawal should always be done under supervision. To safely detox, there is only one way to go: with medically-supervised detoxification in a rehabilitation centre, where there is a whole team of medics, therapist, and other peoples pursuing a similar goal, and not in your house.
Here, we warn against going cold turkey off alcohol at home without medical supervision. What are the risks? The dangers? The symptoms of detoxification from alcohol? why going cold turkey off alcohol is not advised.

Going Cold Turkey Alcohol?

Give it a second thought.
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. When alcohol has virtually consumed your life and you come to the conclusion that it’s time to purge it from your system, the temptation is to do it yourself. While this may seem like a harmless home remedy, certainly one that won’t cost you anything, in fact, the practice is not only not very effective, it is also a bad idea that can prove dangerous, even fatal, in some instances.
The ‘cold turkey’ method refers to the complete and abrupt cessation of drinking alcohol. This can be effective for some and it can reward a problem drinker by quickening their path to recovery; however, this method of detox can be excruciatingly difficult and should be accompanied by joining a Rehabilitation to undergo psychotherapy in order to reduce the risk of relapse. 
Detox only takes care of a biological process that involves your body re-learning to manage without ethanol. Body cell once again begin to function normally but without the ethanol. The behavioral aspect of alcoholism remains within you, this is the sole reason why joining rehabilitation to undergo psychotherapy is critical to ensure relapse doesn't occur. 
Rehabilitation combines; Controlled environment, where triggers to relapse are non existent , Psychotherapy such as 12 steps of A.A/N.A, group therapy, individual therapy administered by professionals and medication is administered while patients are monitored on 24/7.

Q: So what does going cold turkey off alcohol do to your body?
A: Basically, it triggers alcohol withdrawal syndrome with possibly very severe symptoms. 
Alcohol Withdrawal symptoms occur when your body becomes dependent on a substance like alcohol. During withdrawal, the body manifests symptoms when that substance is lowered in dosage or no longer available. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal show up after a period of continued drinking that is suddenly interrupted. The acute symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may worsen over two to three days and can persist for weeks. They may be more noticeable when you wake up with less alcohol in your blood.
Detoxification from alcohol is a two-phase process. The first phase of alcohol withdrawal occurs over a period of a few days. This initial period is the most dangerous and can prove fatal. The second and longer phase of alcohol detox occurs over months, as the brain slowly begins to regulate and resume normal functioning. There may be lingering symptoms during the second phase of alcohol detox, but they are not usually life-threatening.

Cold Turkey Alcohol Withdrawal

For alcoholics in search of recovery, detoxification is often the first step towards a life without alcohol. Alcoholics’ bodies have become accustomed to large amounts of ethanol in their systems; slowing down or interrupting alcohol consumption can cause shock to the body and produce such withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are the most severe when the cold turkey detox method is used. Cold turkey alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • clamminess
  • headaches
  • increased heart rate
  • insomnia
  • nausea
  • shakiness
  • sweating
The most severe type of going cold turkey is known as delirium tremens DT's. Its symptoms include:

Quitting Cold Turkey Alcoholturkey alcohol

When a person stops drinking alcohol suddenly, just up and quits because he or she thinks it’s time to do so, the consequences can be intense. Sudden alcohol cessation can cause hallucinations, convulsions, and even heart seizure that may ultimately result in death. Who should especially avoid quitting alcohol cold turkey?
  1. Anyone with a serious dependency on alcohol should never even consider going cold turkey at home.
  2. Heavy drinkers or people who have been drinking regularly for a period of 6 months, or more.
  3. Those who have experience severe symptoms during alcohol withdrawal in the past.
  4. Those who have been diagnosed with co-occurring mental health disorders.

Get Off Alcohol Cold Turkey

Instead of getting off alcohol turkey, medications may be prescribed that can make the detox more comfortable and safer for the individual. Medications such as benzodiazepines, acamprosate and naltrexone, help reduce or eliminate cravings ease anxiety and help the individual transition more gently from an abrupt cessation from drinking. It is important to note that a person cannot just take a prescription pill and detox on his or her own, or at home. Detox and recovery is best achieved in a rehabilitation centre setting, where the person is surrounded by professionals, people going through similar process and those who has safely completed detox and are already enrolled in psychotherapy.
Over the course of several months of abstinence, long-term withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, cravings and anxiety will gradually reduce in intensity. They may be eased somewhat by medications such as antidepressants or short-acting benzodiazepines but only continued sobriety and the passage of time can resolve these symptoms.

Can I Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

It is not recommended that you quit alcohol cold turkey. Instead, you’ll need a professional assessment of your physical, mental, and medical history in order to create an individualized plan for alcohol detox. This is only possible in a rehabilitation centre setting
Detox is only the first step in overcoming alcohol dependence.  Psychotherapy in a controlled environment of a residential rehab ensures that achieved gains are maintained as you begin the process of learning how to live a life of sobriety. Residential rehab programs combine one-on-one counseling, group therapy, educational lectures, and other treatment specifically tailored to the individual’s needs.

Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey Questions

Still have questions about quitting alcohol cold turkey? Please leave your questions or share your experience from stopping cold turkey in the comments in our contacts section of our website . We will do our best to respond to you personally and promptly.